This is a quick and delicious spin on a classic.  Plus it allows a lot of freedom to play with flavors.


Servings: 4-6

Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 30 min


1 lb lean steak (cut in small strips)

1 small sweet onion

1 can sundried (look for them in the Italian aisle)

1/4 cup good salsa
2 gloves diced garlic

2 cans black beans

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Pepper

1/2 tsp Cayenne pepper

2 Tbsp Chili powder

Olive oil

Sour Cream



This is top blade steak

Dice and onion and saute in olive oil until softened.  Add garlic, cayenne, and chili powder and saute until the garlic is sweating.  Coat the steak strips with salt and pepper and add to pan.  Cook until browned on all sides.

Add sundried tomatoes and salsa.

Let cook for a few minutes then add black beans and cover and simmer for 10 minutes.  Serve with avocado, sour cream and cheese.  Enjoy…